The Posemesh: At the Intersection of AI & Blockchain

March 26, 2024

On a recent Lex Friedman Podcast, Yann Le Cun, chief AI scientist at Meta, discussed intelligent behavior. Yann highlighted four aspects of intelligence that AI, in its current form, cannot solve. In this article, we will discuss how the posemesh solves these problems at the intersection of AI and blockchain to create the decentralized infrastructure for its token economy.

These four behaviors consist of the capacity to understand the physical world, persistent memory, the ability to reason, and planning. These are the essential characteristics of intelligent systems or entities such as humans and animals.

Currently, AI only understands the physical world in a very primitive way, and it cannot retrieve things or have persistent memory. AI can’t do human-level reasoning and certainly cannot do planning in its current form. In order to reach human-level intelligence, we need solutions to these problems.

Interaction with the Physical World

As humans, through our sensory input, we see a lot more information than we do through language, and despite our intuition, most of what we learn and most of our knowledge is through our observation and interaction with the real world, not through language. This is the same for AI and LLMs. Everything that we learn in the first few years of life, and certainly everything that animals learn, has nothing to do with language.

For AI and LLMs, which learn through contextual language, this represents an enormous barrier to their intelligence.  In order to evolve, AI must ‘learn’ to understand the physical world and have a persistent memory of what it interacts with.

Through the posemesh, AI can develop and have spatial awareness in the real world.  It also enables it to remember its location in relation to other entities and AI.  The posemesh is the next evolution of spatial computing that solves the problem of spatial intelligence for AI.

Enter Blockchain

However, with this evolution of spatial intelligence comes the problem of how to maintain data privacy while allowing AI to interact seamlessly with the physical world.  How do we share spatial data without also giving away our privacy, location, or personal information?

Using blockchain technology, the posemesh’s decentralized infrastructure incentivizes the expansion of DePIN using its token economy to secure and commit computing resources needed for spatial awareness of AI. At the same time, it preserves data and spatial privacy for those using the network, whether that is human users, developers building decentralized applications that use the posemesh spatial computing protocol, or AIs who use it for real-world interaction and persistent memory.

Incentivizing DePIN

The posemesh token economy is built around incentivizing participation by users, investors, and developers.  The Burn-Credit-Mint economy is designed to reward all ecosystem participants for their contributions whether that is compute, verification, or network validation.

Illustrative Diagram of The Posemesh Token Economy.

For spatial intelligence to benefit humans, it is essential to participate, innovate, and contribute to a network that values privacy, decentralization, and collaboration. The future of spatial intelligence is not just about enabling AI to interact with the real world; it's about building a community and an ecosystem that enhances collaboration between AI and humans without giving up privacy or autonomy.

Embrace this future by joining the posemesh network and help shape a world where AI and blockchain converge seamlessly.

The future is spatial, and it begins with you.

About Auki Labs

Auki Labs creates posemesh domains: virtual real estate for shared augmented reality, allowing you to manifest your knowledge and imagination in the minds of others.

Spatial computing enables the anchoring of digital information in space, bringing the power of the internet to the physical world. The spatial internet is a tectonic shift in how we interact with computers and each other. It will be as transformative as the transition from PC to mobile.

Our unique solutions are powered by the posemesh, a decentralized and privacy-preserving protocol for collaborative spatial computing.

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About The Posemesh Foundation

The Posemesh Foundation's mission is to enable shared augmented reality: the next big leap in human communication, and to give AI and robotics machine proprioception.

Our mandate is to establish a universal spatial computing protocol and associated utility token for the next 100 billion people, devices and AI on Earth and beyond.

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