Announcement: Community Giveaway Winners

November 24, 2023

The Posemesh Foundation is establishing a universal spatial computing protocol for the next 100 billion people, devices, and AI.

After completing a successful private sale - and before the official AUKI token listing in January 2024 - the team invited fans to participate in the Posemesh Foundation Community Giveaway Contest.

Contest Page on Launch Day

The Contest Concluded on Wednesday, November 22nd

Participants in the giveaway could boost their chances in the draw for 1 ETH by taking specific actions and referring others through their unique referral link.

On November 22nd, the top ten participants on the leaderboard with the most points in the contest were selected to receive an award of AUKI tokens, equivalent to USD 200. The tokens will be distributed one week after the AUKI LISTING in January 2024.

Below are the top 10 winners. You will receive an email in the next week, your reward will be distributed after the listing.

Top 10 Winners of The Posemesh Giveaway | Winners of AUKI tokens, equivalent to USD 200.

Additionally, based on points, participants from the 11th to the 30th will receive an airdrop of AUKI tokens, equivalent to USD 50, one week after the LISTING.

Below are the winners in the 11th to the 30th place winners. You will receive an email in the next week, your reward will be distributed after the listing.

Top 11-20 Winners of The Posemesh Giveaway | Winners of AUKI tokens, equivalent to USD 50.
Top 21-30 Winners of The Posemesh Giveaway | Winners of AUKI tokens, equivalent to USD 50.

Participants ranked 31st to 60th on the leaderboard will be eligible to select their preferred Auki Labs merchandise. If you fall within this bracket, monitor your emails, as we'll be sending details about your swag soon. Swag winners will receive their swag a week or two after you submit your shipping details on the form you will receive via email.

61 Winners Awarded

After verifying emails and confirming eligibility, we eliminated many fraudulent contestants from the giveaway.  All emails were then verified using Clearout.

We've organized the entries based on points to identify the top ten recipients of the AUKI giveaway, which is equivalent to 200 USD. See the screenshots above for the winners.

Additionally, we've determined the winners of the AUKI giveaway equivalent to 50 USD. All airdrop winners are being notified through email.

Unfortunately, you are not among the winners if you don't receive an email or complete your claim using the form linked within that email.

Now, onto the Grand Prize announcement:

Our campaign tool, UpViral, randomly selects the top prize winner from the pool of entrants.

The number of entries an entrant had in the selection pool was augmented based on the points they accumulated from actions taken and referrals made during the campaign.

We cross-referenced the selected entrant from UpViral against the validated entries we processed in Clearout.

We're pleased to report that the Grand Prize winner has already claimed their prize.

Thank you to all who participated. Coming up in January 2024 is our listing and much more. Stay connected for updates!

About Auki Labs

Auki Labs is at the forefront of spatial computing, pioneering the convergence of the digital and physical to give people and their devices a shared understanding of space for seamless collaboration.

With a focus on user-centric design and privacy, Auki Labs empowers industries and individuals to embrace the transformative potential of spatial computing, enhancing productivity, engagement, and human connection.

Auki Labs is building the posemesh, a decentralized spatial computing protocol for AR, the metaverse, and smart cities. | Twitter | Discord | LinkedIn | Medium | YouTube

About The Posemesh Foundation

The posemesh is an open-source protocol that powers a decentralized, blockchain-based spatial computing network.

The posemesh is designed for a future where spatial computing is both collaborative and privacy-preserving. It limits the surveillance capabilities of any organization and encourages sovereign ownership of private space maps.

The decentralization also offers a competitive advantage, especially in shared AR sessions where low latency is crucial. The posemesh is the next step in the decentralization movement, responding to the growing power of big tech.

The Posemesh Foundation has tasked Auki Labs with developing the software infrastructure of the posemesh.

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